Scientific Recognitions

Dr.Rayapu Ramesh Babu began publishing papers on HIV epidemiology, prevention, care, support and related gender issues. His work is testified through hundreds of Peer Reviewed Research papers extensively on STIs HIV/AIDS have been published in International journals as Abstracts and his contribution is acknowledged across the world. By Invitation he has attended personally more than 103 International conferences on STI's/HIV/AIDS worldwide and presented his papers as oral presentations, posters presentations as exhibitions and discussions .A few important International Conferences and Abstracts published listed here.

International Scientific Recognition

  • IInd International Conference on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific held at New Delhi in November, 1992.
  • IXth International Conference on AIDS held at Berlin, Germany in June, 1993.
  • Xth International Conference on AIDS held at Yakohama, Japan in August, 1994.
  • IInd International Conference on Home and Community care for persons living with HIV/AIDS held at Montreal, Canada, May 1995.
  • IIIrd International conference on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific held at Chengmai, Thailand in September, 1995.
  • 9th International conference on STDs and AIDS in Kampala, Uganda in December, 1995.
  • XIth International conference on AIDS held at Vancouver, Canada in July 1996 (2 papers)
  • IInd International conference on HIV infection and nutrition, Cannes-France in April, 1997.
  • IIIrd International conference on Home and Community Care for persons living with the HIV AIDS held at Amsterdam, Netherlands, May 1997.
  • 12th International conference on STDs held at Seville, Spain, October, 1997.
  • 4th International conference on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific held at Manila, Philippines, October, 1997 (2 papers).
  • NCIH 25th Annual Conference held at Virginia, USA from 24th June to 28th June 1998.
  • 12th World AIDS Conference held at Geneva, (Switzerland) from June 29th to July 3rd, 1998 (2 papers
  • 4th International Congress on Drug therapy HIV infection held at Glasgow, Scotland, UK from Nov.8-12, 1998 (2 papers).
  • II International conference on Nutrition - HIV Infection held at Cannes - France, from April, 22-25, 1999.
  • 4th International Conference on the Bio-psycho-social Aspects of HIV infection AIDS Impact, Ottawa, CANADA.
  • 13th meeting of the International Society for Sexually Transmitted Diseases Research, Denver, Colorado, USA. From 11–14 July, 1999.
  • 17th Annual Symposium of the GLMA San Diego, California, August 26-28,1999.
  • 2nd Conference on Global Strategies for the Prevention of HIV Transmission from Mothers to Infants Montreal, CANADA, September 1-6, 1999.5th International Conference on
  • HIV/AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (5th ICAA P) held at Kuala Lumpur from October 22 to 27th 1999 (2 Papers)
  • 1st International Conference on Microbicides 2000, held at Washington, DC, United States from March 13-16, 2000.
  • 1st Sexually Transmitted Diseases in a Changing Europe, held at Rotterdam, The Netherlands from April 14-15, 2000.
  • 27th Annual Conference of Global Health Council held at Virginia, USA from June 13-16, 2000.
  • 13th World AIDS Conference held at Durban, South Africa from July 9-14th, 2000 (2 Papers).
  • 5th International Congress on Drug therapy HIV infection held at Glasgow, Scotland, UK from 22-26, October 2000 (2 Papers).
  • ‘Forum 2000’ Latin American and Caribbean STD/AIDS held at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from 6-11 November 2000.
  • 4th European Conference on Drugs and HIV/AIDS Services in Prison will be held from 25-27 November 2000.
  • 12th International Conference on the Reduction of Drug Related Harm, April 1-5, 2001, Hotel Ashok, New Delhi, India.
  • 5th International Conference on AIDS Impact and Bio psychosocial Aspects of HIV Infection held at Brighton, UK from 8-11 July 2001.
  • 14th ISSTDR, IUSTI 2001 – International Congress for Sexually Transmitted Infections held at Berlin, Germany from July 24-27, 2001.
  • IIIrd Conference on Global Strategies for the Prevention of HIV Transmission from Mothers to Infants held at Kampala, Uganda from September 9-13, 2001.
  • 13th Annual ASHM Conference held at Melbourne, Australia from 4-7th October 2001.
  • 6thICAAP Conference held at Melbourne, Australia from 5-10 October 2001(2 Papers).
  • Microbicides 2002 held at Antwerp, Belgium from 12-15th May 2002.
  • 29th Annual Conference of Global Health Council held at Washington DC, USA from 27-31st May 2002.
  • XIV International AIDS Conference held at Barcelona, Spain from July 7-12th, 2002 (2 Papers).
  • 6th International Congress on Drug therapy of HIV infection held at Glasgow, Scotland, UK from 17-22, November 2002 (2 Papers).
  • Microbicides 2004 Conference held at London, UK, from March 28 – 31, 2004.
  • AIDS Vaccine 2004 Conference held at Lausanne, Switzerland from 29th August to 1st September, 2004.
  • 7th International Congress on Drug therapy of HIV infection held at Glasgow, Scotland, UK from 14-18, November 2004 (2 Papers).
  • XV International AIDS Conference held at Bangkok, Thailand from 11-16 July 2004. (2 Papers).
  • 7th ICAAP, International Congress on AIDS in Asia and Pacific held at Kobe, Japan from July 1-5, 2005 (2 papers).
  • AIDS Vaccine 2005 Conference held at Montreal, Canada from September 6-9, 2005.
  • “HEP DART 2005” Conference held at Kohala Coast, Big Island, Hawaii from December 11-15, 2005.
  • Microbicides 2006 Conference held at Cape Town, South Africa, from April 23-27, 2006.
  • XVI International AIDS Conference held at Toronto, Canada from August 13-18, 2006 (2 papers).
  • 8th International Congress on Drug therapy of HIV infection held at Glasgow, Scotland, UK from 12-16, November 2006 (2 Papers).
  • 8th International Conference on Biopsychosocial aspects of HIV infection held at Marseille, France from 1st – 4th July, 2007.
  • The 17th ISSTDR Meeting & 10th IUSTI World Congress held at Seattle, USA.
  • AIDS Vaccine 2007 Conference held at Seattle, USA from 20-23, August 2007.
  • Microbicides 2008 Conference held at New Delhi, India from 24th – 27th February, 2008
  • 35th Global Health Council Annual Conference held at Washington DC, USA from 27-31 May, 2008.
  • 2nd International Workshop on HIV & Aging, held at Baltimore, MD, USA, from 27 - 28 October, 2011.
  • International Microbicides Conference (M2012) was held from 15 - 18 April at Sydney, Australia.
  • 4th International Workshop on HIV & Aging, held at Baltimore, MD, USA, from 30 and 31 October, 2013.
  • Asia Pacific Conference AIDS & Co-infections held at Honkong, from 17-19th May 2016.
  • Asia Pacific Conference AIDS & Co-infections held at Honkong, from 1-3rd June 2017Award.
  • HIV Clinical Integrase Inhibitors clinical forum in Asia Pacific held at Hongkong from 27-28th June 2018.
  • Asia Pacific Conference AIDS & Co-infections held at Honkong, from 28-30th June 2017.
  • IAS 2019 , 10th IAS Conference on HIV Science held at Mexico City, Mexico, from 21-24th July 2019.
  • 23rd International Conference on AIDS (AIDS 2020 –Virtual) 6-10th July 2020 held at San Francisco, USA.